I'm about an hour and forty minutes into the 3rd installment of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor.
So far, so good. It's picking up exactly where the last book left off. The seraph's have gotten to earth through a portal and the whole world is watching. We quickly leave that scene to find that Karou is still the one who is in charge of creating new bodies for the souls of the chimaera. The wolf, who is not the wolf, but Karou's friend, is now in charge, but none of the chimaera know this. He, Ziri, is pulling off being Thiago.
Akiva then comes to warn the chimaera that the seraph have enter earth. I'm not really sure of this plot point, that Akiva can't know Thiago is not Thiago, but I will wait and see.
That's the hour and forty minutes!
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